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Counselling - Overview


MAPing Lives Counselling and Career Guidance

MAPing Lives Counselling and Career Guidance is a dedicated facility committed to providing comprehensive counselling services to individuals of all ages, including children, adolescents, and families grappling with a wide array of psychological, emotional, and interpersonal challenges. Our aim is to offer unwavering support, guidance, and understanding to help you overcome life’s hurdles and thrive. Here, we introduce our centre and outline the key functions and services we provide:


At MAPing Lives Counselling and Career Guidance, we understand that life can be both beautiful and challenging, and there are times when you need a compassionate and trusted companion to lean on. We are that ally. Our centre serves as a safe haven where you can open up about your fears, anxieties, and personal struggles without fear of judgment. We offer a range of counselling services tailored to meet your needs, including face-to-face sessions, telephonic consultations, and email correspondence. Rest assured, your privacy and confidentiality are paramount to us, ensuring a secure and nurturing environment for your counselling journey.

Our Approach

Our approach to counselling is rooted in simplicity yet profound empathy. We provide the kind of heartfelt emotional support that a close and understanding friend would offer. We recognize that life’s rollercoaster can be overwhelming at times, and we are here to walk with you through those twists and turns.

Access and Convenience

We prioritize your convenience and accessibility to our services. To accommodate our clients, including students, we remain open on many public holidays. You are welcome to visit us during these times to avail any of our services. For those who are not located in Bangalore, we extend our services online, offering psychological counselling via email. Reach out to us at to explore this option.

MAPing Lives

Functions and Services

Our centre’s functions and services are designed to address a variety of needs and challenges:
Individual Counselling - Maping Lives

Individual Counselling

Individual counselling at MAPing Lives offers a trusted companion on your personal journey towards emotional well-being and self-discovery. When life becomes overwhelming, whether due to stress, anxiety, depression, or personal challenges, we are here to help. Our counselling services provide a safe and non-judgmental space for you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and concerns. We empower you with effective coping strategies, emotional resilience, and personal growth tools. Beyond addressing immediate concerns, our counsellors work with you to uncover your strengths, enhance self-awareness, and guide you towards a more fulfilling life. We offer steadfast support during moments of crisis or uncertainty, ensuring you don’t have to face life’s challenges alone. Individual counselling is more than just a service; it’s a vital resource for personal transformation and emotional well-being. At MAPing Lives, we are committed to being your beacon of support and guidance on your path to a happier, healthier life.

Group Counselling

Group counselling at MAPing Lives offers a supportive community on your journey towards personal growth and positive change. When faced with life’s challenges, whether related to relationships, addiction, grief, or personal development, our group counselling sessions provide a unique and enriching experience. In our group setting, you’ll find a safe and empathetic space to connect with others who share similar struggles and goals. Together, you’ll explore your feelings, learn from one another, and develop strategies for coping and thriving. Group counselling is not just about addressing immediate concerns; it’s also an opportunity to build meaningful connections, enhance social skills, and foster a sense of belonging. Our skilled facilitators guide discussions, ensuring a supportive and constructive environment. During times of crisis or when you need a sense of community, our group counselling sessions become a valuable resource for shared wisdom and understanding. It’s more than counselling; it’s a shared journey towards healing and personal development. At MAPing Lives, we are dedicated to being your companions on the path to a more fulfilling and interconnected life.
Group Counselling - MAPing Lives
Career Counselling - MAPing Lives

Career Counselling

Guidance for career exploration, goal-setting, and job search strategies.

Student Counselling

Student counselling at MAPing Lives provides unwavering support throughout the challenging journey of school and adolescence. We offer a safe space for students to share their fears, anxieties, and personal challenges without judgment. Our mission is to equip students with tools to manage stress, navigate emotions, and build resilience. Our counselling services extend beyond academics. We guide students in making informed educational decisions, provide study techniques, and foster essential life skills like communication and self-confidence. In times of crisis, our counsellors are there to offer empathetic guidance. Student counselling at MAPing Lives is a lifeline, empowering students to discover their strengths, conquer weaknesses, and build a foundation for a fulfilling life. We are dedicated to being a guiding light on their path to personal and academic growth.
Student Counselling - MAPing Lives
Family Counselling - Maping Lives

Family Counselling

MAPing Lives Centre offers essential family counselling services in today’s evolving world, where the modern family structure faces increasing challenges. Our dedicated therapists employ a comprehensive approach to address psychological, behavioral, and emotional issues within families. Our method emphasizes separating problems from individuals, identifying dysfunctional patterns, exploring conflicting beliefs, and promoting affirmative behavior. At MAPing Lives, we understand the importance of family counselling in addressing a wide range of issues, including conflicts, communication breakdowns, parenting challenges, and life transitions such as divorce or remarriage. Our approach fosters improved communication, conflict resolution, and stronger family bonds, while also providing support during significant life changes. We believe in the power of counselling to improve individual and family well-being, offering valuable skills to communicate effectively and navigate life’s challenges. MAPing Lives Centre is committed to helping individuals and families build healthier, happier lives through expert counselling services.

Relationship Counselling

Relationship counselling at MAPing Lives is your partner in navigating the complexities of interpersonal connections and restoring harmony in your relationships. When conflicts, communication breakdowns, or emotional distance strain your bonds, we’re here to help you mend and strengthen them. In our relationship counselling sessions, you and your partner will find a safe, non-judgmental space to address your concerns openly and honestly. Our experienced therapists facilitate productive conversations and guide you both towards understanding, empathy, and resolution. Our approach goes beyond resolving immediate issues; it aims to improve communication, enhance intimacy, and build a foundation of trust and mutual respect. Whether you’re facing challenges in your romantic relationship, marriage, or family dynamics, we provide guidance and strategies to foster healthier connections. Relationship counselling is a transformative journey that can rekindle the love and connection you seek. At MAPing Lives, we are committed to being your support system and helping you build lasting, fulfilling relationships that contribute to your overall well-being and happiness.
Relationship Counselling - MAPing Lives
Marriage Counselling - MAPing Lives

Marriage Counselling

Marriage counselling at MAPing Lives is a lifeline for couples seeking to strengthen their bond and navigate the complexities of married life. When conflicts, communication breakdowns, or challenges threaten your marriage, we’re here to provide the guidance and support needed to repair and revitalize your relationship. In our marriage counselling sessions, couples discover a safe, judgment-free space to address their concerns openly and honestly. Our experienced therapists facilitate productive conversations, help identify underlying issues, and guide you towards understanding, empathy, and effective resolutions. Our approach goes beyond resolving immediate conflicts; it focuses on rebuilding trust, enhancing intimacy, and improving communication skills. Whether you’re facing issues related to trust, intimacy, communication, or life transitions, we provide strategies and tools to create a stronger, more fulfilling partnership. Marriage counselling is a transformative journey that can breathe new life into your relationship. At MAPing Lives, we are dedicated to being your support system, helping you and your partner build a loving and resilient marriage that brings joy and fulfilment to your lives.

Geriatric Counselling

Geriatric counselling at MAPing Lives is a compassionate resource tailored to the unique needs of older adults and their families. As individuals age, they may face a variety of challenges, including health concerns, loss of loved ones, transitions to retirement or assisted living, and emotional adjustments. Our geriatric counselling services are designed to provide guidance, support, and a listening ear during this important life stage. In our geriatric counselling sessions, older adults find a welcoming and empathetic environment to discuss their concerns, fears, and hopes. Our experienced counsellors work closely with them to address issues related to mental health, loneliness, grief, coping with physical ailments, and navigating life transitions. Our approach focuses on enhancing emotional well-being, improving coping skills, and fostering resilience in older adults. We aim to help them maintain their quality of life, independence, and emotional health as they age. Geriatric counselling is not just about addressing immediate concerns; it’s about promoting a fulfilling and meaningful life in later years. At MAPing Lives, we are committed to being a source of support and guidance for older adults and their families as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of aging.
Geriatric Counselling - MAPing Lives
Anxiety Disorder Counselling - MAPing Lives

Anxiety Disorder Counselling

At MAPing Lives, we deeply understand the profound impact of anxiety disorders on individuals’ lives, and our dedicated team of professionals is here to offer compassionate and effective support to those grappling with these challenges. Our approach to addressing anxiety disorders encompasses several key elements. We begin with a thorough, individualized assessment to gain insight into the unique challenges and triggers contributing to your anxiety, allowing us to tailor our approach precisely to your needs. We employ evidence-based therapeutic methods, which have demonstrated effectiveness in treating anxiety disorders. Our counsellor collaborates closely with you to identify and challenge anxious thoughts while developing coping strategies. We foster a safe and supportive environment, ensuring that you can openly discuss your fears and concerns without fear of judgment.  We offer guidance on relaxation techniques, stress management, and lifestyle adjustments to complement therapeutic interventions. Education and empowerment are central to our philosophy; we believe that understanding the nature of anxiety and its triggers is pivotal to managing and overcoming it. 

Join Us on Your Journey

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We are excited to be part of your career planning journey, supporting you in making your life more enjoyable, successful, and stress-free. If you’re interested in learning more, please feel free to reach out and request a presentation on “Why and How to Select a Successful Career.”